Coming Soon: 3-in-1 Corduroy™
Corduroy™ is ready to ship September 19, 2011! Be the first of your friends to order this lovable Storytime Pal™.
Corduroy™ is ready to ship September 19, 2011! Be the first of your friends to order this lovable Storytime Pal™.
Zoobies, LLC is proud to announce new Blanket Pets™ for 2011. Caliel the Camel™, Clip-Clop the Clydesdale™ & Flavio the Frog™ are new on the scene [...]
Zoobies, LLC is proud to announce Blankie Babies™, a new baby line from Zoobies, LLC. These great additions to the Zoobies® family will replace our [...]
New this year to the Zoobie's family are Slumber Pets™, oversized plush friends that have a large, coral fleece blanket zipped inside. Great for sleepovers, [...]
The Zoobies® team is proud to announce Clifford™ & Corduroy™ as two new characters to add to the ever grown collection of Storytime Pals™. These [...]
The 2010 Toy Fair marks the 3 year anniversary for Zoobies, the award winning plush animals that turn into pillows and blankets. Since their launch [...]
We are pleased to announce Lilly the Ladybug is here and ready to ship!!! Until recently we thought we'd come out with Lilly the Ladybug [...]