Zoobies staff recently took a trip to Reno with a carload of Zoobies for 10 year old Ashlee Smith’s non-profit group, Ashlee’s Toy Closet.
According to the website, “She collects toys, books and clothes for children that have been affected by a Natural Disaster. Ashlee held her first toy drive after the Angora Fire that devastated S.Lake Tahoe in 2007. Her dad is a Firefighter and he was up fighting the fire and she wanted to help down here. She asked us to help her collect toys for all of the children. She told me that everyone helps the adults and no one helps the children. She made it very clear that the kids lost everything too. She had been involved in a house fire in 2005 where she lost all of her toys so she said she knew how the kids felt. She said ‘I want to help the little victims in a big way.'”
Ashlee first saw Zoobies at the Learning Express of Reno. When we found out she “loved them” and wanted to make Zoobies her “signature item” to give to each child she works with, we were happy to help.
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